Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Another Night Found

Another night lost. Another night found.
Another simple view, from high above the ground.

No villains here, no superheros to save.
Just one little roof, another book in the page.

Into the entrance, a lack of curious eyes.
No one seems to notice, no one asking us "why?"

Up through the stairwell, through the window with ease.
Simpler than traveling anywhere. I don't even need keys.

It's not a difficult journey, only a few flights of stairs.
But with photos now as trophies, the whole world seems to care. 

 What we do isn't hard, we never claimed that it was.
The friends that I have, have always done it just because.

 Often out of boredom, we all seek that adventure.
It's the way we all bond; how we spend time together.

 Personally a decade strong, exploring is nothing new.
 But this trend called "roof topping," we hope it all ends soon.

We're tired of the media. We're tired of the press.
We're tired of people thinking that "Instagram means success."

 You're ruining the sport quickly. You're ruining the fun of the hobby.
Don't tell people you "climb," when you take stairs from the hotel lobby.

Do it for yourselves. Do it with your friends.
But make sure those who join you, will be there in the end.

- Jason Unoriginal


  1. Jason! Ahhh! These pictures are so great and the ones of Jeff and I are sooo stinken cute.

    1. Haha! Thank you so much Kaylah. =D

      The unscripted photo of you two, with you sitting on the edge of the gutter, is definitely one of my favorites. It describes our nights perfectly.

  2. Excellent shots and well said.

  3. These are great. I miss you guys.

    1. I pretty much gave up on the blog in December, so I apologize for never replying! But I'm back. Thank you, and we miss you too! =]

  4. Just had to reread this because it is just so good.

    1. Thank you so kindly, ma'am! (PS, I'm back now for good.)

  5. Beautiful shots.
    I found you through Adi's blog, and I'm so very happy that you said what you did.
    Much love,

    1. Thank you so kindly! It was very hard to read, and I know you felt similar.

      Thanks again,

      (PS, I really need to start posting on here again. I've been slacking!)

  6. The shots taken by you are indeed excellent, thanks for sharing them with us! Every single picture demonstrates your supernatural creativity!

  7. night city, it is so beautiful, so quiet and peaceful, you can smile distant sounds, hear the night
