Sunday, August 16, 2015

First Baptist Church: 1904

Last weekend, Erin and I decided to check out a little bit more of what Pittsburgh had to offer. 

We had spent the weekend an hour outside of the city for one of her friend's weddings, so we figured we would use the return trip as an opportunity to check out something new. We had a few other errands to run, so we ended up only making one stop, but it was a quite lucrative one, at that. 

It was a Sunday afternoon, the weather was perfect, and the neighborhood was quiet:

Having been vacant for around 25 years, many of the floors had already partially collapsed, and the majority of the staircases were nonexistent.

Time had erased the stained glass dome, and much of the glitz and glamour, but the year 1904 still rang through much of the surrounding scenery. 

Twenty-five-year-old light bulbs still hang on for dear life.

Be sure to check out more about this church over in Erin's post, and if you haven't yet done so, check out her entire blog here.

- Jason Unoriginal

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Through The Arches

Although city-life typically has plenty to offer, there's nothing quite like escaping to the outskirts to discover places far less traveled. 

This past week, Jake showed me one of his former go-to spots; a quite old, arched-stone railway bridge that is still in use. I'm actually quite familiar with the location, have known about it for years, and have always wanted to check it out, but for one reason or another never have.

Inside one of the entrances.
If you look close enough, you can see a deer fording the river in the midground.

 A bicycle hangs precariously from a tree.

 One of the other perks to this spot was the dare-I-say ancient graffiti that still lingers in a few of the archways. I couldn't locate too many dates, but I believe the pieces below date back to the year 2002.


 "Crow" w/ 12/02 marked above it.


I probably should have grabbed a few shots of the bridge from afar to display how truly massive this thing is, but I'll save that for next time. Thanks again, Jake, for motivating me to finally give this place a visit!

- Jason Unoriginal